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1. L. Peng, M. Q. Li, P. Wang, X. G. Li, Y. G. Zhang, M. Q. He, C. T. Zhou, H. Zhang and S. Chen, Numerical simulation and investigation of ultra-short pulse laser ablation on Ti6Al4V and stainless steel, AIP Advances, 13, 065018 (2023)

2. R. Qin, Z. Y. Chen and S. Chen. High harmonic studies of structural phase transitions in silicon, Computational Materials Science, 197, 110621 (2021)

3. S. Chen, G. Maero and M. Rome. Spectral analysis of forced turbulence in a non-neutral plasma, Journal of Plasma Physics, 83, 705830303 (2017)

4. M. Rome, S. Chen and G. Maero. Structures and turbulent relaxation in non-neutral plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59, 014036 (2017)

5. M. Rome, S. Chen and G. Maero. Wavelet characterization of 2D turbulence and intermittency in magnetized electron plasmas, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25, 035016 (2016)

6. G. Maero, R. Pozzoli, M. Rome, S. Chen and M. Ikram. Axial heating and temperature of RF-excited non-neutral plasmas in Penning-Malmberg traps, Journal of Instrumentation, 11, C09007 (2016)

7. S. Chen, G. Maero and M. Rome. Effect of initial conditions on electron-plasma turbulence: A multiresolution analysis, Journal of Plasma Physics, 81, 495810511 (2015)

8. G. Maero, S. Chen, R. Pozzoli and M. Rome. Low-power radio-frequency excitation as a plasma source in a Penning-Malmberg trap: A systematic study, Journal of Plasma Physics, 81, 495810503 (2015)

9. M. Rome, S. Chen, G. Maero, B. Paroli and R. Pozzoli. Trapped electron plasma formation and equilibrium with a low-power radio-frequency drive, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1668, 020006 (2015)

10. M. Rome, F. Cavaliere, M. Cavenago, S. Chen and G. Maero. Effects of dust contamination on the transverse dynamics of a magnetized electron plasma, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1668, 030001 (2015)

11. J. K. Dan, S. Chen, J. F. Li, X. B. Huang and W. P. Xie. Electromagnetic pulse emission from surface obliquely irradiated by Z pinch-generated X-rays, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 41, 3594 (2013)

12. 陈实,黄娇凤. 激光辐照金属丝产生电子束的发散度, 强激光与粒子束, 24, 3019 (2012)

13. S. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, J. K. Dan and J. F. Li. Nonlinear evolution of electron density under high-energy-density conditions, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 76, 559 (2011)

14. Z. Y. Chen, S. Chen, J. K. Dan, J. F. Li and Q. X. Peng. Analytical model for electromagnetic radiation from a wakefield excited by intense short laser pulses in an unmagnetized plasma, Physica Scripta, 84, 045506 (2011)

15. 陈实,蒋吉昊,李剑峰. X射线在金属表面产生Compton电流引起的电磁辐射时空分布, 强激光与粒子束, 21, 1411 (2009)



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