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2010.09~2014.07: 西安交通大学 本科 专业:核工程与核技术

2014.09~2016.12: 国防科学技术大学 硕士 专业:物理学 研究方向:辐射流体

2017.09~2021.02: 曼彻斯特大学 博士 专业:物理学 研究方向:激光等离子体辐射源


1. 通过延迟的双束对撞激光照射固体靶产生增强的g光 2017.9-2018.7


2. 激光倾斜照射固体靶产生的稠密g光产生 2018.5-2018.10

通过把激光斜入射在固体靶表面,靶表面的电子被拉出并加速到GeV. 这些高能电子串在激光场中振荡,产生平均能量为12 MeV的稠密g光。

3.QED机制下激光和电子的碰撞 2018.10-2019.3


4. 超强激光和微结构靶相互作用中光子和正电子的产生 2019.3-2019.7


5. 两束连续激光脉冲照射近临界密度等离子体产生的类同步辐射的高能g光 2019.7至今



1. Zhao Y., et al.(2020). Dense high-energy γ-rays emission by ultra-intense laser interacting with a concave target. Physics of Plasma, 27, 073106. (IF: 1.830)

2. Yuan Zhao, et al., Ultra-bright γ-ray emission by using PW laser irradiating solid target obliquely[J]. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2019, 61(6): 065010. (IF: 3.032)

3. Yuan Zhao, et al., Production of dense synchrotron-like high-energy γ-ray pulses via two ultra-intense laser pulses interacting with near critical density plasma. To be submitted.

4. Yuan Zhao, et al., Enhancement of laser to x-ray conversion by counter-propagating laser beams. High Energy Density Physics (2016), doi:10.1016/j.hedp.2016.08.003. (IF: 1.702)

5. Liu, J. X., Zhao Y., Wang, X. P., Quan, J. Z., Yu, T. P., Zhang, G. B., Zhao, J. (2018). High-flux positrons generation via two counter-propagating laser pulses irradiating near-critical-density plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 25(10), 103106.

6. Liu, J. X., Zhao Y., Yu, T. P., Ma, Y. Y., Zhao, J. (2019, March). Positron generation via ultra-intense laser pulses colliding in a cylinder filled with near-critical-density plasmas. In Fifth International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter (Vol. 11046, p. 110460I). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

7. Yuan Zhao, Guoxing Xia, Collimated gamma ray sources in intense Laguerre-Gaussian laser irradiating a micro-channel target."11th International Particle Accelerator Conference 2020", Italy.

8. Yuan Zhao, Yangmei Li, Guoxing Xia, Investigation of photon and positron emission in laser collision with relativistic electrons, Laser Plasma Acceleration Workshop 2019, Split, Croatia.

9. Yuan Zhao, Yangmei Li, Guoxing Xia, Compton scattering in delayed counter-propagating laser beams irradiating solid target, 8th International Conference "Charged & Neutral Particles channeling Phenomena Channeling 2018", Italy.

10. Yuan Zhao, Zheyi Ge, Yanyun Ma, The counter-propagating laser beams irradiating gold foil to enhance the laser to X-ray conversion (In Chinese). China Radiation Physics Symposium (CRPS), August 2016, Lanzhou, Gansu, China.


[1] "Compton scattering in delayed counter-propagating laser beams irradiating solid target" in conference Charged & Neutral Particles channeling Phenomena Channeling 2018.

[2] "Enhanced γ-ray emission by laser irradiating a solid target" in conference Cockcroft Institute Postgraduate Conference 2018.

[3] "Compact Radiation Sources Based on Laser-plasma Interaction" in group meeting of Accelerator group in UoM 2019.

[4] "Collimated gamma-ray sources by using the micro-channel target" in conference Cockcroft Institute Postgraduate Conference 2019.

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