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长期从事腔光力学、拓扑分类、非厄米物理等方向的研究。a)建立了玻色激发对称和拓扑分类;b)发现了玻色系统中的粒子不守恒项打开拓扑激发能隙效应;c)解释了厄米玻色系统中的非厄米拓扑起源。目前在国际期刊共发表11篇学术论文,其中第一作者和通讯作者论文共计6篇,包括1Physical Review Letters3Physical Review A1Optics Express,以及1Scientific Reports。现担任Physical Review Letters/Applied/A等期刊论文审稿人。


2013.09---2018.07 华中科技大学, 博士(硕博连读)

2009.09---2013.07 江西师范大学, 学士


2024.03---至今, 深圳技术大学, 助理教授

2021.06---2024.01 华中科技大学, 博士后

2018.09---2021.04 南方科技大学(武汉大学联合培养), 博士后


[1] L.-L. Wan, X.-Y. Lü*, “Quantum-squeezing-induced point-gap topology and skin effect”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 203605 (2023).

[2] L.-L. Wan, Z. Zhou, Z.-F. Xu*, “Squeezing-induced topological gap opening on bosonic excitations”, Phys. Rev. A 103, 013308 (2021).

[3] L.-L. Wan, X.-Y. Lü*, J.-H. Gao, Y. Wu*, “Controllable photon and phonon flat band localization in optomechanical Lieb lattices”, Opt. Express 25, 17364 (2017).

[4] L.-L. Wan, X.-You Lü*, J.-H. Gao, Y. Wu*, “Hybrid interference induced flat band localization in optomechanical lattices”, Sci. Rep. 7, 15188 (2017).

[5] L.-X. Guo, L.-L. Wan*, L.-G. Si, X.-Y. Lü, W. Ying, “Topological bosonic Bogoliubov excitations with sublattice symmetry”, Phys. Rev. A 109, 023307 (2024).

[6] L.-X. Guo, L.-L. Wan*, L.-G. Si, W. Ying, “Topological amplification and frequency conversion in a photonic lattice with a two-photon driving”, Phys. Rev. A 108, 013512 (2023).

[7] Q. Bin, L.-L. Wan, F. Nori, Y. Wu, X.-Y. Lü*, “Out-of-time-order correlation as a witness of topological phase transitions”, Phys. Rev. B 107, L020202 (2023).

[8] Z. Zhou, L.-L. Wan, Z.-F. Xu*, “Topological Classification of Excitations in Quadratic Bosonic systems”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 425203 (2020).

[9] G.-L. Zhu, X.-Y. Lü*, L.-L. Wan, T.-S. Yin, Q. Bin, Y. Wu, “Controllable nonlinearity in a dual-coupling optomechanical system under a weak-coupling regime”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 033830 (2018).

[10] T.-S. Yin, X.-Y. Lü*, L.-L. Wan, S.-w. Bin, Y. Wu, “Enhanced photon-phonon cross-Kerr nonlinearity with two photon driving”, Opt. Lett. 43, 002050 (2018).

[11] H. Xiong*, Y.-M. Huang, L.-L. Wan, Y. Wu, “Vector cavity optomechanics in the parameter configuration of optomechanically induced transparency”, Phys. Rev. A 94, 013816 (2016).

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