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      工程物理学院特聘教授。2009年本科毕业于南京大学物理系,2014年毕业于美国雪城大学物理系,获物理博士学位。2014年至2023年分别在夏威夷大学马诺阿分校、雪城大学、荷兰莱顿天文台、德国马普天文所从事博士后研究。2020年至2023年担任马普天文所生命起源实验室负责人。2023年入选海外高层次人才计划青年项目。主要研究方向为实验天体物理学,重点在实验室里模拟星际间分子云里的超高真空、低温和辐射条件,研究星际尘埃表面冰层里的物理化学过程以及星际间分子的生成。其以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Astrophysical Journal (Letters), Astronomy & Astrophysics, Nature Astronomy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 等期刊发表论文20余篇,总共署名发表论文30余篇。


2023.11 ~ 至今  深圳技术大学,工程物理学院,特聘教授

2020.02 ~ 2023.11 德国马普天文所 博士后,生命起源实验室负责人(合作导师:Thomas Henning)

2018.01 ~ 2019.12 荷兰莱顿天文台,博士后 (合作导师:Harold Linnartz)

2015.05 ~ 2017.12  美国雪城大学物理系,博士后(合作导师:Gianfranco Vidali)

2014.09 ~ 2015.05  美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校化学系,博士后(合作导师:Brant Jones, Ralf Kaiser)


2009.09 ~ 2014.12 美国雪城大学物理系,物理博士(合作导师:Gianfranco Vidali)

2005.09 ~ 2009.06 南京大学物理系,物理学士




[1] Jiao He, Paula Caroline Pérez Rickert, Tushar Suhasaria, Orianne Sohier, Tia Bäcker, Dimitra Demertzi, Gianfranco Vidali, and Thomas K. Henning. New measurement of the diffusion of carbon dioxide on non-porous amorphous solid water. Molecular Physics, 0(0):e2176181, 2023.

[2] Jiao He, Giulia Perotti, Shahnewaz M. Emtiaz, Francis E. Toriello, Adwin Boogert, Thomas Henning, and Gianfranco Vidali. Ammonia, carbon dioxide, and the non-detection of the 2152 cm−1 CO band. A&A, 668:A76, December 2022.

[3] Jiao He, Sándor Góbi, Gopi Ragupathy, György Tarczay, and Thomas Henning. Radical Recombination during the Phase Transition of Interstellar CO Ice. ApJL, 931(1):L1, May 2022.

[4] Jiao He, Mart Simons, Gleb Fedoseev, Ko-Ju Chuang, Danna Qasim, Thanja Lamberts, Sergio Ioppolo, Brett A. McGuire, Herma Cuppen, and Harold Linnartz. Methoxymethanol formation starting from CO hydrogenation. A&A, 659:A65, March 2022.

[5] Jiao He, Sharon J. M. Diamant, Siyu Wang, Haochuan Yu, Will R. M. Rocha, Marina Rachid, and Harold Linnartz. Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficient of Vapor-deposited Water Ice in the UV-vis Range. ApJ, 925(2):179, February 2022.

[6] Jiao He, Francis E. Toriello, Shahnewaz M. Emtiaz, Thomas Henning, and Gianfranco Vidali. Phase Transition of Interstellar CO Ice. ApJL, 915(1):L23, July 2021.

[7] D. Qasim, G. Fedoseev, K. J. Chuang, He, J., S. Ioppolo, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. An experimental study of the surface formation of methane in interstellar molecular clouds. Nature Astronomy, 4:781–785, April 2020.

[8] Jiao He, Aspen R. Clements, SM Emtiaz, Francis Toriello, Robin T. Garrod, and Gianfranco Vidali. The Effective Surface Area of Amorphous Solid Water Measured by the Infrared Absorption of Carbon Monoxide. ApJ, 878(2):94, Jun 2019.

[9] Jiao He, SM Emtiaz, Adwin Boogert, and Gianfranco Vidali. The 12CO2 and 13CO2 Absorption Bands as Tracers of the Thermal History of Interstellar Icy Grain Mantles. ApJ, 869:41, 2018.

[10] Jiao He, SM Emtiaz, and Gianfranco Vidali. Measurements of Diffusion of Volatiles in Amorphous Solid Water: Application to Interstellar Medium Environments. ApJ, 863:156, 2018.

[11] Jiao He and Gianfranco Vidali. Characterization of thin film CO2 ice through the infrared ν1 + ν3 combination mode. MNRAS, 473:860–866, 2018.

[12] Jiao He, SM Emtiaz, and Gianfranco Vidali. Mechanism of Atomic Hydrogen Addition Reactions on np-ASW. ApJ, 851:104, 2017.

[1] Jiao He, SM Emtiaz, and Gianfranco Vidali. Diffusion and Clustering of Carbon Dioxide on non-porous Amorphous Solid Water. ApJ, 837:65, 2017.

[14] Jiao He, Kinsuk Acharyya, and Gianfranco Vidali. Binding Energy of Molecules on Water Ice: Laboratory Measurements and Modeling. ApJ, 825:89, 2016.

[15] Jiao He, Kinsuk Acharyya, and Gianfranco Vidali. Sticking of Molecules on Nonporous Amorphous Water Ice. ApJ, 823:56, 2016.

[16] Jiao He, Jianming Shi, Tyler Hopkins, Gianfranco Vidali, and Michael J Kaufman. A new determination of the binding energy of atomic oxygen on dust grain surfaces: Experimental results andsimulations. ApJ, 801:120, 2015.

[17] Jiao He, Gianfranco Vidali, Jean-Louis Lemaire, and Robin T. Garrod. Formation of hydroxylamine on dust grains via ammonia oxidation. ApJ, 799(1):49, 2015.

[18] Jiao He and Gianfranco Vidali. Experiments of water formation on warm silicates. ApJ, 788(1):50, 2014.

[19] Jiao He, Dapeng Jing, and Gianfranco Vidali. Atomic oxygen diffusion on and desorption from amorphous silicate surfaces. PCCP, 16(8):3493–500, 2014.

[20] Jiao He and Gianfranco Vidali. Application of a diffusion-desorption rate equation model in astrochemistry. Faraday Discussions, 168:517–532, 2014.

[21] Jiao He, Paul Frank, and Gianfranco Vidali. Interaction of hydrogen with surfaces of silicates: single crystal vs. amorphous. PCCP, 13(35):15803–9, 2011.

[22] Jiao He, Kun Gao, Gianfranco Vidali, Chris J. Bennett, and Ralf I. Kaiser. Formation of molecular hydrogen from methane ice. ApJ, 721:1656–1662, 2010.





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